Eyebrows - wow, my absolute favorite! This is probably the most crucial part of your makeup. If you can make your eyebrows look good, then half of the work is done! My looks – and my life – changed dramatically when I started applying these tricks I’m now going to share with you. You think you don’t have to fix your eyebrows? Think again. If you’re only going to change one thing in your face, make it the eyebrows.
Beautiful-looking eyebrows are even and defined. Low eyebrows can make you look tired or sad. Milla Jovovich and Courtney Cox are two women with perfect eyebrows - be inspired!
How to pluck the eyebrows
Start by drawing a thin “test-line” with your eyebrow pencil to define the shape before you start. Most pencil tools come in many different colors. And if you, like me, think brow liners can be itchy, you should know that Clinique is a brand that's especially tested for allergies.
The eyebrow should start above the inner corner of the eye (most eyebrows do already).
Try to find a peak in your natural eyebrow and accentuate it by "plucking it forward". If you can't find a peak, try to make one above the outer area of the iris. (Take a look at my pics of Ivanka Trump below.)
The eyebrow should end outside the outer corner of the eye. If it doesn't already, grab the pencil and start drawing!
Be careful when you choose tweezers for eyebrow plucking. It's recommended to use special make-up tweezers, not the same kinds you use for splinters.
Do not pluck against the hair.
If you don't want to pluck your eyebrows for some reason, there are tools out there for eyebrow shaving. This can actually be a pretty good idea as your eyebrows will become thinner the older you get, especially if you pluck them.
Don’t pluck the upside of the eyebrow unless you have to remove some hairs that don't go with the shape, but are living a life of their own. Pluck from below to open up the eye. Pluck it so that it tapers the farther from your nose it gets.
Choose a color similar to the darkest color of your hair. If you're blonde, it might look unnatural with black eyebrows. Though your eyebrows should be darker than the general color of your hair.
Straight eyebrows
If you have straight eyebrows, like Ivanka Trump and Jennifer Connelly below, try to create a peak. Make your eyebrows thin and "upwards-going". Straight eyebrows can actually make you look a little sad.
There are great stencil tools out there for perfect eyebrow shaping. However, I do not recommend waxing off your entire brow - it might grow back very sparsely.
If I were Ivanka's make-up artist (I wish ;), I would try to go less with the straightness and accentuate whatever curves I could find.
The red line below indicates the natural peak of Ivanka's eyebrow.
The drawn line below shows a possible shape the eyebrow could have without shaving it off and drawing a completely new one. Sure, you're gonna have to pluck it a lot more and you'll also need more help from the eyebrow pencil or brow shaper, but your eyes will look more open and your face more balanced.
I would advice against shaving eyebrows off completely and draw new ones, it will make you look very unnatural. Also, don’t pluck them too much. That will make them thinner and thinner and you might end up with almost no eyebrows at all when you get older.